Shri Chinchpokli Shantinath Jain Derasar

  • Shri Chinchpokli Shantinath Jain Derasar

Shri Chinchpokli Shantinath Jain Derasar is located at No.12, Na.Ma.Joshi Marg, HarHarwala Building, Jain Chawl, 3rd Floor, Podar Mill Ni Same, Delight Road, Chinchpokli, Mumbai. It is a Jain temple dedicated to Lord Shantinath, the 16th Tirthankara of Jainism. This Derasar is an important spiritual and cultural center for the Jain community in Chinchpokli, Mumbai, where devotees gather to participate in religious ceremonies, prayers, and community activities.