The Withered Flowers Who Didnt Confess

The Withered Flowers Who Didnt Confess

Rajja Sadhvi was affected by Leprosy. One of the sadhvijis asked her, “How did this disease infect you?” She replied, “I am infected due to the heat caused by drinking boiled water.” She concealed the fact that her illness was due to her past sins. By hearing such explanation from their guru, other sadhvijis also followed her and started drinking unboiled water.

One of her disciple – a young Sadhviji - kept her mind firm & didn’t follow her. She firmly believed that the path shown by Lord Arihant cannot lead to any diseases. Diseases disturb the balance of the mind. If any disease arrives or increases, it causes a hindrance in devotion, so how can lord show such a path? In every drop of her blood there was a faith for the preaching of God. She tried to convince other sadhvijis in different ways but due to the fear of leprosy they weren’t convinced.

The young sadhviji remorsed, “O Lord! It’s the result of my sins due to which these sadhvijis are not believing me, even though I am telling the truth.” Thus by repenting, self-criticizing & performing several other worships, she attained Kevalgyan i.e. omniscience. Later, deities came to admire this Kevalgyani. At that time other sadhvijis felt that they had committed a great mistake. They confessed in the presence of Kevalgyani & became pure by taking atonement. Rajja Sadhvi did not confess, therefore she had to take several births. Thus everyone should confess & undertake atonement.