Story of Kalyan Parshwanath Bhagwan

Story of Kalyan Parshwanath Bhagwan

The temple is home to a Parrikar-yukt idol of Bhagwan Kalyan Parshvanath, measuring about 48 cms in height, seated in the Padmasana posture with an umbrella featuring 7 hoods over the idol's head.

The tirth is located near Kada Darwaza in Visnagar.

Historically, Visnagar was established by King Vishaldev Chauhan of Ajmer after defeating King Bhimdev of Gujarat around V.S. 1080. In the 12th century, there was already a temple of Kalyan Parshvanath in Mehsana. During the Muslim invasion in the 14th-15th century, the idol of Kalyan Parshvanath was safeguarded by submerging it in a well. Later, this idol was discovered in the Kodi Kuwa well in Mehsana and subsequently brought to Visnagar, where it was installed in a three-story temple. The temple's Mulnayak includes Sahastrafana Parshvanath on the 2nd floor and Godi Parshvanath on the 3rd floor. The temple also houses idols of all 24 Thirthankaras. This temple was constructed by Srimant Shravak Seth Galachandji, and the idols were ceremonially installed on the 3rd day of the bright half of the month of Phalgun in V.S. 1863. An annual flag-hoisting ceremony is held on this day. Vadnagar, the next station from Visnagar, was previously known as Anandpur. It was in Anandpur that the most sacred Jain scripture, the "Kalpasutra," was first read in the presence of the Jain Sangh. In ancient times, during the reign of Bharat Maharaja, the foot of the hill of the famous Shatrunjay Tirth extended up to Anandpur, now Vadnagar.

Additional temples in the area include five others, each dedicated to different Mulnayak Bhagwans, including Shri Sumatinath Bhagwan, Shri Shantinath Bhagwan, Shri Anantnath Bhagwan, Shri Adinath Bhagwan, and Shri Shantinath Bhagwan.

The temple is a stunning and ancient structure, with intricate and artistic carvings adorning the Parrikar. Panyas Padmavijayji and Roopvijayji Maharaj Saheb devoted many years to Sadhana (spiritual practice) in the temple of Kalyan Parshvanath in Limbadi Sheri in Petlad.