Story of Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath Bhagwan

Story of Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath Bhagwan

In the quaint village of Medta, within the embrace of Shri Parshwanath ki Vadi, resides a sublime sanctuary housing a nearly 48cm high white-colored idol of Bhagwan Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath, seated in the padmasana posture. Adorned by an umbrella boasting seven hoods, this celestial idol stands as a testament to divine grace.

Chronicles of Medta: In the 12th century of the Vikram era, Medta, known by various names such as Medinipur and Medtapur, flourished as an ancient and prosperous city. The resonating preachings of Maldhari Shri Abhaydevsuriji paved the way for the construction of a captivating temple dedicated to Shri Mahaveer Bhagwan. This sacred land witnessed the conversion of 1,000 Brahmins and Kadmad Yaksha into devoted followers. The footsteps of esteemed Acharyas, Sadhus, and Sadhvis sanctified this city, with luminaries like Shri Jinchandrasuriji, Shri Sidhsuriji, Jagadguru Shri Hirvijaysuriji, Shri Padmasagarsurishvarji, Shri Dharmajinsurishvarji gracing Medta with their presence. In V.S.1687, the Jain sangh erected a splendid temple just outside the village, where the idol of Parshwanath Bhagwan was enshrined, earning the name Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath. The auspicious year V.S.1697 is inscribed on the idol, and this Parshwanath is affectionately known as Vadi Parshwanath. Medta holds significance as the birthplace of Mahayogi Anandhanji, who attained spiritual fulfillment at the lotus feet of the Lord.

Temples and Landmarks: Within Medta, a total of 14 temples grace the landscape, including the nearby Falvruddhi Parshwanath temple on the Medta road.

Navigating the Pilgrimage: Medta city serves as a pivotal junction for pilgrims. The temple is conveniently located 14 kilometers from the railway station, with accessible bus services and private vehicles facilitating the journey. Pilgrims find solace in the available Dharamshala and Bhojanshala facilities, complemented by the presence of an Upashraya.

Sacred Scriptures and Enduring Presence: The sacredness of Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath echoes through various scriptures, including "365 Shri Parshvajin Naammala," "Shri Sankheswar Parshvanath Chand," "Shri Bhateva Parshvanath Stavan," "Shri Godi Parshvanath Stavan," "Shri Parshvanath Naammala," "Chaitya Paripati," and "Medta Chaitya Paripati." Maldhari Shri Abhaydevsuriji left an indelible mark by composing 1,000 Slokas of his granth "Bhavbhavna" in Medta and Chatrapalli. The presence of an idol of Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath in Kalikund Parshwanath temple in Santacruz, Mumbai, further attests to the enduring sanctity of this divine abode.

Parallel Narratives:

  1. The primary temple of Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath graces the outskirts of Medta in Shri Parshwanath ki Vadi.
  2. In Khambat, a splendid temple of Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath was erected by Soni Tejpal, as chronicled in "Shri Hirvijaysuri Raas."
  3. In Sakandarpur, an idol of Shri Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath, sanctified by Acharya Shri Vijaysensuriji in V.S.1654, finds its abode in a revered temple.
  4. Kalushi ki Pole in Ahmedabad houses an ancient idol of Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath within its temple precincts.

Guardians of Devotion: Guiding the faithful on this spiritual odyssey is the stewardship of the sacred space by Shri Vijay Chintamani Parshwanath Shwetambar Jain Tirth. Positioned at Post: Medta – 342 605, via Bhavi, Tehsil: Bilada, District: Jodhpur, State: Rajasthan, India, they stand ready to facilitate a profound connection with the divine pilgrimage at this sacred sanctuary.


Trust: Shri Vijay Chintamani Parshvanath Jain Temple, Bambavadi, Jain Gardens,  Post: Medta City, District: Nagaur – 341 510.  State: Rajasthan, India.  Phone: 01591-220312, 01591-231371.