In a certain city named Rohitak, there used to be an old woman named Rohini. As there was no means to earn a livelihood, so she began preparing food for the society. Once Rohini prepared a kind of gourd vegetable and added spices to make it all the more tastier. And in order to taste it, she put a small drop of it, into her mouth.

She found the cooked ground to be excessively bitter so in order to keep herself away from the slander of the society, she prepared another and a better dish of good for the second time. The whole society had their fill and had left then a monk named Dhramaruchi who had done a fast of a month arrived there to accept some food in order to break his fast. Rohini served the monk some ground so that it shall not go to waste.

Accepting this novel treat, the monk went to his spiritual instructor and told this incident to him. The spiritual instructor at once warned him that the dish was utterly poisonous and he would have to embrace death if he would have it. So monk Dharmaruchi at once set off to go to the forest to get rid of that vegetable. When he was leaving the vessel on the ground he accidentally touched the contents of the vessel.

The aroma of the dish attracted many ants and they all had to embrace death as soon as they tasted the vegetable. He then felt that many beings would have to suffer because of this dish so it would be best to punish himself and thus sacrifice himself to save these small beings. Then standing in one place he gulped it all down his throat this made him to experience extreme physical pain and thus he had to embrace death as he couldn't bear the agony. He thus had the chance to venerate the salvation.